To the editorAddressAdvertising

Editor Notes

Contributions to the Chronicle are most welcome. Please be sure always to include your name, address and (in case clarification is necessary) telephone number. Without names we will usually not print an item at all.
A contribution can be sent to us in one of several ways:

  1. By email to the editor. These contributions should either be in plain text or attached as a rich-text or Microsoft Word document; we do not have all word processing packages! Please check that you receive a confirmation email. Email:
  2. On a CD in PC format, ideally as a Microsoft Word file. Please include your address if you want the disk returned to you.
  3. As a good quality, fairly large, simple black typescript, without underlining on white A4 paper or smaller. Our optical character recognition software can read typescripts but only imperfectly, especially if the typeface is elaborate or small.
  4. Any hand-written items are dictated directly to the computer or typed up by a willing team of typists. Please write the names of people and places in capital letters. This does save a lot of mistakes

The Editor clears the box at Vickery’s (see below) from time to time during the previous week (see Deadlines). It can therefore be a great help if items are left in the box a few days before the closing date. Many contributors are indeed doing just that and it really does help. Thank you.

Advertising Notes

Sumissions for advertising should be as for the editor (see above). However, you may well wish to include drawings / graphics with your advertisement. These may be:

  1. Written in Word format and emailed as an attachment to . It is probably a good idea also to deliver a hard copy of the advertisement as occasionally the format changes when passed from one computer to another.
  2. Produced in computer graphics – for example in jpg / jpeg / png format (ideally 200-300 DPI), attached to an email  and emailed to .
  3. Sent as hard copy to Vickery’s Hardware store. (see below)

Remember that the Chronicle is now printed in colour and so an advertisement in colour will be OK.

Address For Mail:

℅ Vickery’s Hardware Store, 5 The Green, Drayton, ABINGDON, Oxfordshire, OX14 4JA